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First Annual Holiday Happy Hour
“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.” ~Michele Jennae
It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

On Wednesday 7 December 2022, the Board of KENCO TATS hosted their First Annual Holiday Happy Hour in Arlington VA at The Boardroom. There was an abundance of food, adult beverages, music and of course, networking!
At the event, the Board of KENCO TATS also raffled gifts with contents from Dubai, Ethiopia and Uganda as well as raised funds via a successful silent auction for a luxury advent calendar by VICES! Last, but not least, twenty-seven (27) pairs of shoes were collected to raise funds for the 2023 - 2024 Scholarship Fundraiser!

Reunited and it felt so good! #SCMS

Board Members having a great time!

FUN FACT: Martha was pregnant at the Grand Launch in May. During the Holiday HH we were privileged to meet Baby Fumu. #futureofSCM

Keeping the event intimate was important to ensure successful networking opportunities, allowing peers, professionals and leaders in supply chain management, logistics and contracts to meet for the first time or reunite (it is a very small world!).

The Board of KENCO TATS would like to, again, thank all who attended the event in person as well as those who donated, showing their support in absentia. Any and all support is much appreciated and of course, we look forward to seeing everyone at the next event!
May you and your family have a wonderful, safe holiday season filled with peace, joy, some much needed rest and love. Thank you for a successful 2022! ~The Board of KENCO Technical Assistance & Training Solutions, Inc.
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